Winter sleepout 2023
On August 30, our students once again braved Melbourne’s wintry weather to support Vinnies Winter Sleepout appeal. With only their sleeping bags and some cardboard for comfort, Year 7 students committed to spending the night on our college upper deck, gaining a little insight into the uncomfortable experience of sleeping rough that many people face each year in Melbourne.
Determined to beat last year’s fundraising total, we were excited to raise $4000, thanks to the generous support of our community. Students also spent time reflecting on how hard the experience of homelessness might be for those who live it each day. Our Port Lapathon ran in conjunction with our sleepout, and took place during our Athletics Carnival. Families, students and staff ran and walked laps of the athletics track for the duration of the carnival, clocking up kilometres – and dollars – across a four-hour period, to boost our fundraising efforts. Well done to all involved!